Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

This is a double page spread from the magazine SFX. What interests me about this article is the fact that it is visually appealing, with lots of bright colours and images to draw the target audience in. Furthermore there is relevant information about, in this case, Studio Ghibli which is a big animation company who creates many films that are popular, which would interest the audience because this whole particular issue of SFX focused on anime/manga/Japan and so it ties in nicely. The story of this article is also interesting because it doesn't focus on just one thing, and instead has lots of different information about other films created by the same people, so it promotes and advertises other things people may be interested in. If I had to take something from this to use on my own double page spread, it would probably be the idea of having lots of interesting images scattered around the page that is relevant and both nice to look. Furthermore I like the way it has been laid out, with not actually that much text, being more visually appealing than anything else.

This is a double spread article from the magazine, Kerrang. What interests me about this article is the amount of information provided about Davey Havok in particular, who is the main star in that particular issue. I also like the style, in which one page is just dedicated to an image of the lead singer and the other is just information about him targeted towards the fans of the band. Furthermore I like the fact that not very many colours have been used, keeping it simple yet professional, especially with the grey background which draws more attention to the singer. The story appeals to the target audience because it's giving them exclusive information about celebrities they idolise and also lets them feel more close to their inspirations due to knowing personal information about them that they wouldn't otherwise. Furthermore the story appeals to them because it's talking about the bands-tour life, which the target audience would be extremely interested in as there is then a possibly chance of seeing their idols. What I could possibly take from this article and apply to my own is the use of having one page dedicated to a main image and also have a very big heading of the interview, with an embedded quote from whoever the issue is particuarly focused on.

What interests me about this article is the fact that more than one artist is being mentioned and that there is a lot of information about a lot of different aspiration people, all linked through music. I like this double page spread because of the amount of images used and the bright yellow background which is eye-catching and appealing, easy to capture the target audience's attention. I also, like the other magazine double pages spread, like the fact that one page is pretty much dedicated to images whilst the other does have information on, despite also having some more images on. This story appeals to the target audience as it talks about Crystal Brown, Amy Angerer and David Bowie, of who are all aspirational figures, in particular Bowie. By including more than just one artist it highers the interest rate, appealing to the audience because they feel like they're getting more out of the magazine than what they paid for and they're learning exclusive information they wouldn't know otherwise. If I had to take something from this article to apply to my own, it would probably be taking the big heading as it's eyecatching and also interesting because of the amount of images used.

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